Thursday, March 4, 2010

A subject is a Noun;A Person,Place or thing that is included inside of a sentence.
A predicate is a Verb;Action that is included inside of a sentence.

Example1: Brittany played baseball with her 3 brothers.
Subject: Brittany

Example2: David watched a movie with his mother.
Subject: David

Example3: Yolanda walked with her kids to school.
Subject: Yolanda
Predicate: walked

Example4: Jacob jumped in joy.
Subject: Jacob
Predicate: Jumped

Example5: Selena sat  in class all day
Subject: Selena
Predicate: Sat

Example6:Jonathan looked around the class.
Subject: Jonathan
Predicate: Looked

Example7: Maria danced at the school play.
Subject: Maria
Predicate: Danced

Example8: Dylan slept in class yesterday.
Subject: Dylan
Predicate: Slept

Example9: Thalia skipped to school .
Subject: Thalia
Predicate: Skipped

Example10: Brian left  his house.
Subject: Brian
Predicate: Left

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Class Work:Expository Lesson # 3

Expository Lesson#3:how do we cite scources?

Question1:Is Extraterrestrial life possible?
Answer:Many people believe that Extraterrestial life is possible but according to the research it is very rare

Question2: What do aliens eat
Answer:People/Human Beings

Question3: How do aliens make  babies?
Answer:They have babie by letting them fall out of the lumps on the mommy's head.After done you have to rub the mommy's head.