Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I would rather not live with Kenny's parents because......(The Watsons go to Birmingham-1963)

As an indivisual,I would rather not live with Kenny's parents. I would not like to live with his parents for many reasons. One of the reasons isn't because they are bad parents,I actually think they're pretty good parents,they care for their kids,they love eachother and they care about eachother. One way I can support that is because in the book she keeps byron from playing with matches not only because of his danger,also because of the risks of him putting his family and his family's house in danger.
One of the things that are stopping me from wanting to live with Kenny's parents is all the work they would possibly/probably put on top of me.I say this only because on page seven on the book it says that Kenny's dad made them scrape snow and ice of the Brown Bomber's windows and doors. As soon as i heard that I said to myself ,uhmmmmm........ I'll guess I'll be leaving now. I was not going to go throught that trouble.

(In this paragraph^it foreshadows on why I don't like doing chores.You will find why in the ____________ paragraph*FIND OUT!!*)

Another  reason I wouldn't live with Kenny's parents is because they are crazy. I say this because his mother threatened Byron saying that she was going to burn him  if he did it on more single time. I also say this because the mother planned a whole plan on their trip to Birmingham and usually a NORMAL mother would just wait and see what happens on the way there.  One other reason I say this is because  the dad instead of beating Byron when he got the new hairdo he decide to cut and shave all of Byron's hair completely off.

As I have been writing so far in this essay, I have been talking alot about why i would rather not live with Kenny' parents,Wilona(his mother) and Daniel (his dad). I only say all this stuff because I believe they don't know how to handle me. Many people say that I am very nice,kind,different,funny,a good friend(that part is true),and such  swet child.I bet only one third of that stuff is true according to my home life.I am actually according to my home life I am kind of mean,crazy,lazy,and I'm alsoa pain in the..neckbasically I'm different! His parents will NOT be able to handle any of that nonsense and I believe everyone know thats true. Other than that I think they are pretty good parents.

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